
I have been SO busy this summer from the office project, to decorating clients/friends homes, to traveling, to house hunting, to getting my hair chopped off haha, to celebrating 4 years of marriage with my sweet man and now my younger sister just got engaged..Yay!! It has been a wonderful summer with many great memories made! Here are a few highlights of my summer in pictures: IMG_4852 IMG_4874 IMG_4881 IMG_5322IMG_5498 IMG_5798IMG_5577IMG_5799IMG_5631IMG_5761 And why not throw in my latest selfie 🙂 Photo on 8-19-14 at 11.46 AM #2Photo on 8-19-14 at 11.55 AM #3 It was an unforgettable summer…now am I allowed to say…I’m ready for FALL!! 🙂 Stay tuned, because my next post will be ‘After’ pictures of the Office! xoxo, O